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Siran Valley Livelihoods Rehabilitation Programme

Siran Valley Livelihoods Rehabilitation Programme Pakistan
Funded by:Concern Worldwide
Start Date: 1st January, 2007      End Date: 31st December, 2008
Target Community: 4 Union Councils (Sachan Kalan, Jabori, Jabbar Devli & Bhogar Mang) in Siran Valley District Mansehra.
Final beneficiaries &target groups: Approximately 72,000 persons (51% women) living in the 4 worst earthquake affected Union Councils of Siran Valley in District Mansehra, NWFP Pakistan. Other final beneficiaries included local government teams at the district, sub-district and union council levels, training institutions, the local NGO implementing partner and community-based organizations.
Objective wise summary
Objective 1: Revival of agriculture and livestock, small businesses and trade, and creating employment opportunities
Activity 1:
Provision of inputs for crops (seeds & fertilizers etc)
During the project, 150 metric tons of crop seeds (8.5 metric tons of bean seed, 120 metric tons of potato seed, 19.28 metric tons of pea seed, 1.5 metric tons of maize seed, .458 metric ton of mustard seed, .03 metric tons of ore (jancie) seed, .425 metric ton of Canola seed) and 79 metric tons of fertilizers have been distributed in the target areas benefiting around 4,120 farming families (28,840 people). A total of 886 acres of land in the target villages was cultivated using these agricultural inputs. Cash for work was also provided to the beneficiaries for the preparation of their land. To minimize pre &post-harvest losses, in 2007, the programme provided 3,500 seed storage boxes to vulnerable farmers who lost their containers during the earthquake.
Activity 2:
Arrangement of Agricultural field days for awareness raising
Two agriculture field days were organized in collaboration with target farmers. Local farmers were oriented on improved practices for: sowing, harvesting, marketing and storage. The technical services of Hazara Agriculture Research Station (HARS) were utilized for this activity. These field days helped in selection of improved variety of seeds for vegetable and cereal crops.
Activity 3:
Distribution of tools for artisans and farmers
Distribution of 6,000 toolkits for farming and 400 toolkits for local artisans (trade specific tools) was completed to the benefit of 6,400 families in the target villages. The provision of the local artisan toolkits helped restore employment to 150 tailors, 50 blacksmiths, 150 carpenters and 50 barbers. Targets for toolkits increased from 4,400 to 6,400 based on demand form community members. 
Activity 4:
Support for the rehabilitation of arable land through terracing, levelling and check damming
Rehabilitation of 600 acres of arable land was planned for 2007-08, through multiple initiatives involving the reconstruction of soil binding structures. In actuality, 3,735 acres of land was rehabilitated through the reconstruction of terraces in agricultural fields, land levelling, check damming and bad land stabilization benefiting 9,327 farming families (65,289 people). The target for rehabilitation of arable land was increased from 600 to 3,735 acres, based on demand from community members.
Activity 5:
Provision of inputs for kitchen gardens/vegetable cultivation
Distribution of inputs for kitchen gardens was completed in 60 target villages in conjunction with local women’s village community groups. Each of the 10,500 vulnerable women beneficiaries received cucumber, okra, turnip, carrot, radish, sponge gourd, coriander, spinach, bottle gourd and pumpkin seeds as well as tomato seedlings. Following the distribution of these inputs, awareness raising sessions were conducted to educate female beneficiaries about growing seasonal vegetables and preparation/use of farmyard manure. The target for provision of inputs for vegetable cultivation was increased from 400 to 10,500 families, based on demand from female community members.
Activity 6:
Re-construction support for livestock shelters
Materials and cash support for the construction of 2,062 livestock shelters was provided in the target villages. This activity helped 2,062 families (14,434 people) construct livestock shelters to protect their livestock from severe weather. Each of the target families received 12 CGI (corrugated galvanized iron) sheets, 2 ridges, accessories and €22 towards labour costs. Targets for animal shelters increased from 2,000 to 2,062 based on demand from community members. Provision of inputs and cash support for livestock shelter re-construction helped farmers to protect their animals against severely cold weather and provided them with a safe site in which to store fodder during the winter and the rainy seasons.
Activity 7:
Arrangement of Livestock field days for vaccination/de-worming
13 livestock field days were conducted. 16,266 animals were de-wormed and vaccinated at these field days, benefiting 1,334 farming families (9,338 people). Large and small ruminants, including buffalos, cows, oxen and goats, were vaccinated against black quarter, hemorrhagic septicaemia and enterotoxaemia. Target for field days was increased from 8 to 13, based on demand from community members.   
Activity 8:
Repair of livestock water ponds
Repair work was completed on 21 livestock ponds in conjunction with community groups in ten villages. Through these twenty-one water ponds, 677 families (4,739 people) have water reservoirs for their livestock near their houses or grazing fields. Overall targets for livestock water ponds were increased from 20 to 21 based on demand from community.
Activity 9:
Provision of inputs for fodder crops
135,000 rootstocks of Mott grass and 18 metric tons of oat seed have been distributed in consultation with village groups. In addition, 3,000 fodder cutters were distributed amongst beneficiaries in the target villages. In total, 6,920 farmers have benefited from these inputs.
Activity 10:
Distribution of goat packages
In 2007, the goat package was replaced with a cow package due to higher than expected morbidity and mortality rates amongst goats distributed in the earthquake-affected areas by different INGOs.  610 vulnerable families have been provided with the cow package (1cow/family). The programme has also carried out post-distribution follow-up activities through a consultant veterinary doctor to provide technical guidance and assistance in terms of livestock health and management practices. The initial activity, which involved the distribution of 2,000 goats, was replaced with a target for the distribution of 610 cows.
Activity 11:
Provision of fruit trees for replanting (linear plantation and orcha
36,300 fruit plants were distributed for linear plantation in 59 target villages, benefiting 6,000 farming families. In addition, 25 fruit orchards were established over an area of 25 acres. Each orchard owner was provided with support in the form of inputs (fruit saplings, small tools for watering, hoeing & cutting and cash grant). An association of orchard owners has also been formed, which is successfully carrying out its activities by encouraging mutual sharing of issues among the owners and undertaking collective action. The target for orchard inputs was increased from 20 to 25 acres, based on demands from community members.
Activity 12:
Provision of enterprise grants for rehabilitation of demolished enterprises/small business
During year 2007, disbursement of cash grants to the owners of 657 rural businesses/small enterprises was completed. Out of these 657 grants, 526 beneficiaries received a grant of €348 each, while the remaining 131 entrepreneurs received grants of €90 each. Based on local needs, Haashar and community groups revised the size of the grant (from €348 to €90) to also accommodate smaller entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs were selected with the involvement of village community groups. The revived businesses/enterprises include water mills, barber shops, small cafes, vegetable shops, grocery shops etc. Based on a needs assessment conducted in conjunction with village community groups, targets for enterprise rehabilitation grants were decreased from 800 to 657.
Activity 13:
Provision of vocational, skills and enterprise development trainings
During the project period, 14 vocational trainings in 8 trades – each of 3 months duration – have been completed, benefiting 428 community members, 248 of whom were women. The vocational trainings were implemented in collaboration  with a government registered institute and participants received certificates, enabling them to apply for government jobs. All the trainees were provided with trade specific tool kits so that they could begin working immediately. As these trainings were held in collaboration with relevant government departments; participants received certificates from government registered bodies, which will enable them to apply for government jobs. Targets for vocational skills training increased from 12 to 14 trainings, based on identified needs from the local community.
Activity 14:
Facilitating linkages with government line agencies/institutions
For long term sustainability of the programme’s activities, the involvement of government departments was ensured throughout the implementation of the programme. The programme facilitated visits by government officials to remote areas to help them familiarize themselves with the issues and needs of the poor and take action.  Programme activities were implemented in close collaboration with government line agencies at the district and provincial levels. The programme team has forged good relationships with the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), Provincial Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (PERRA), District Reconstruction Unit (DRU), Tehsil Municipal Administration and local government at various tiers e.g. the union council, tehsil and district levels.
Objective 2: Repair & reconstruction of rural infrastructure
Activity 1:
Repair/Reconstruction of farm to market/access roads/trails
In total 30 roads/trails have been repaired/reconstructed (with a cumulative length of 59 kms) to-date, restoring access to market and other social services for approximately 1,836 households (12,852 people. In the year 2008, 4 roads and 20 trails have been completed; while during 2007, repair work was completed on 6 feeder roads/trails. (Targets for roads/trails increased from 12 to 30 based on identified needs from the local community)
Activity 2:
Construction of cut-off drains for the protection of arable lands
In total, 13 cut-off drains have been constructed to-date, benefiting around 510 households (3,570 people). In the year 2008, physical work on 8 cut-off drains have been completed while construction of 5 cut-off drains was completed during the 2007.
Activity 3:
Repair/Reconstruction of water/irrigation channels
In total, 13 irrigation channels have been repaired/reconstructed, contributing to the food security of 764 households (5,348 people) and brining areas of 537 acres under cultivation. In the year 2008, 250 acres of agricultural land has been brought under irrigation through construction of 5 irrigation channels, while 8 irrigation channels were rehabilitated during 2007, irrigating approximately 287 acres of agricultural land. Targets for irrigation channels increased from 8 to 13, based on local needs.
Activity 4:
Provision of training/backup support for effective operation and maintenance of infrastructure
Eight sessions on record keeping, responsibilities of community project infrastructure committees and operation and maintenance of infrastructure were conducted in total during 2007-08.
Objective 3: Repair/Reconstruction of WatSan facilities & promotion of health & hygiene practices
Activity 1:
Rehabilitation of water supply schemes
During the reporting period, 34 drinking water supply schemes have been rehabilitated, benefiting around 14,973 people (2,139 households). 17 drinking water supply schemes have been rehabilitated during 2008 while repair work was completed on 17 drinking water supply schemes during 2007. Formal approvals and No Objection Certificates for reconstruction of these schemes were acquired from the Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA) and ERRA. Targets for the rehabilitation of water supply schemes were increased from 30 to 34 based on priority needs for clean drinking water in the target villages.
Activity 2:
Provision of material and cash support for reconstruction of latrines
Distribution of materials for the reconstruction of pour flush latrines was completed in the four target union councils in conjunction with local village community committees. Each of the 1,100 target beneficiary families (7,700 People) received a package containing a toilet seat, p-trip, ventilation pipe (PVC), door, CGI sheets for the roof & a bag of cement. Targets for the reconstruction of latrines were increased from 1,000 to 1,100 based on priority needs in the target villages.
Activity 3:
Training/backup support for operation and maintenance of infrastructure
Eight operation and maintenance training sessions were held after the successful completion of work on the water supply schemes. 120 community members participated in these trainings.
Activity 4:
Awareness raising and education on personal/environmental hygiene and primary healthcare issues
During 2007-08, eighty sessions were held, benefiting 2,023 community members (50% of whom were women). Participants received orientation on personal/environmental hygiene and primary healthcare issues (including mother and child health and HIV & AIDS).
Activity 5:
Community Health Workers (CHW) training & provision of kits
191community members (men and women) have participated in 6 CHW training courses, during the reporting period. Participants were trained in village health issues and first aid techniques. First aid kits were also provided to each participant. Target for CHW training courses was increased from 4 to 6 based on demands by community members. A cadre of village health activists has been harnessed and is actively pursuing local health issues, such as inadequate public health services in remote areas, with the respective public health departments alongside providing vital first aid and referral services to communities living in remote villages.  
Activity 6:
Provision of Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) Kits
Seventy-one TBAs have been provided with TBA kits along with 3 refresher training to-date. Based on local needs, it was decided that along with the provision of TBA kits, refresher trainings would also be imparted to the existing TBAs to enhance their skills and encourage behavioural change. Targets for TBA kits increased from 25 to 71 based on local needs.
Activity 7:
IEC Development/Adaptation
During 2007-08, pictorial IEC materials carrying messages related to primary health care, personal hygiene (hand washing, latrine use), clean drinking water, vaccination etc. were prepared and distributed amongst the communities in order to educate and sensitize the people on the importance of personal/environmental hygiene and primary healthcare issues. IEC distribution was linked with hygiene/health awareness sessions,
Activity 8:
Arrangement of medical camps in the target Union Councils
In total sixteen medical camps have been organized in the remote target villages.  A total of 6,905 people (3,581 women and 3,324 men) were provided with free medical treatment and medicines through these free medical camps, held at various locations in Siran Valley. Targets for medical camps increased from 4 to16, based on community needs.
Objective 4:  Community mobilization for increased participation
Activity 1:
Formation of men and women’s community groups at village level
120 community based women’s and men’s groups have been formed at the village level after initial contacts and programme orientation meetings with communities in 60 target villages. Separate community groups were formed for men and women in each target village. In year 2008, along with the formation of village level groups, 4 union council level community groups (with representation from village groups) have also been formed in the target union councils to discuss and take up union council level issues. All programme activities were carried out through village level men and women community groups to ensure transparency and community ownership. Based on the situation on ground, target for community group’s formation has increased from 80 to 124.
Activity 2:
Development of participatory rehabilitation plans at village and union council levels
Development of Rehabilitation Plans was completed in 60 target villages with the active involvement of the local communities. Local communities actively participated in the planning process to assess the situation and rehabilitation needs at the village level. This has helped the programme in the identification of local resources and opportunities to expedite the rehabilitation process in the target villages. Targets for Development of participatory rehabilitation plans increased from 44 to 60.
Activity 3:
Arrangement of primary and advanced trainings on social organization skills for groups
120 community groups have been provided with primary training on social organization skills, benefiting 2,400 community members.  In addition, 8 advanced level trainings on leadership and management skills, 4 each for men and women, were completed, benefiting 254 community members (119 women and 135 men). Targets for advanced social mobilization trainings increased from 4 to 8 to enhance the leadership and management skills of key community activists.
Activity 4:
Building linkages with networks and government institutions
During the project period, regular meetings were held with the District Reconstruction Unit, ERRA, UN Agencies, international and national NGOs and local government representatives to coordinate activities and to avoid duplication of work. 
Objective 5: Disaster Preparedness and Environment
Activity 1:
Training/Awareness building on emergency preparedness and response
During 2007-08, nine disaster preparedness trainings were held in order to enhance the local capacity for coping with future disasters.  A total of 212 people (112 women and 100 men) have benefited from these training. Targets for training increased from 8 to 9.
Activity 2:
Training of masons/communities on earthquake resistant construction of buildings
Four training sessions on earthquake resistant construction techniques were held for 104 local masons. Targets for mason training decreased from 8 to 4 based on local demands.
80% of newly constructed houses comply with earthquake resistant construction standards as result of these trainings.
Activity 3:
Formation of disaster preparedness plans at the village level
In 2008, the programme facilitated local communities in the formulation of disaster preparedness plans in forty villages, completing the targets. During these exercises, local communities were facilitated in identification of potential risks/hazards and capacity and vulnerability assessment which was followed by action planning.
Activity 4:
Training/Awareness on land-use planning for settlements
During 2007-08, four training sessions were held to sensitize the communities on land use planning for increased productivity. This involved 164 community participants.
Activity 5:
Forestation and tree plantation to contain the adverse impacts of future landslides
In 2007-08, planting of forest saplings was carried out on 453 acres of communal land in the target villages. A total of 280,700 forest saplings of different species were planted. Orientation sessions on forest plantation were also carried out with the local communities where block plantations were carried out. As part of an information campaign, 800 handouts, entitled ‘Plantation Guidelines’, were also distributed. Targets for forestation increased from 400 acres to 453 acres.