Project Starts in: | January-2016 |
Project Duration: | Long Term |
Project Area: | Abbottabad District |
Livestock rearing is backbone of the rural economy in villages throughout Pakistan. However, Pakistan’s livestock sub-sector has remained largely neglected in the past years and no concrete steps have ever been taken to improve it on scientific lines. KPK Province of Pakistan is mostly a mountainous region where subsistence level of agriculture is practiced due to small land holdings and prevalent poverty. Livestock keeping is practiced here to support weak domestic economy.
Haashar believes that scientific management of Livestock is the key to improve the income of the smallholder and the landless of the rural areas. Over the years, it has emerged as a leading sub-sector of the agricultural sector and has the potential to increase productivity, profitability and export earnings for the economic growth of Pakistan. Haashar considers such an intervention as contribution towards one of the eight MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS which asks to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
Management and staff of Haashar Association have, since long, been pondering over how to induce a sustainable change in cattle management sector that could bring about economic benefits to the poorest of the farmers. Based on the knowledge and practice available and consultation with various stakeholders, it was concluded to establish a “demonstration farm” whose techniques are replicable and adoptable. The farmers could visit the farm to learn and experiment the same at their villages. The farm could also induce technical, scientific and moral grounds of practicing dairy farming standardized to get maximum benefits. The idea of such a Farm is based on practical experiences of Haashar’s management and team of experts while working with such initiatives in the post earthquake scenario.
Dairy farming is one indigenous practice locally adopted by small farmers to support their livelihoods. However, a critical analysis of the activity shows that mostly farmers keep small number of animals thus don’t benefit properly. Haashar’s key challenge is making the most of this global opportunity and capturing the benefits for dairy farming. Behind the farm gate is where competitiveness and responsibility begins in our dairy industry. It does not end there, of course – but it certainly starts on the farm. To achieve our ambitions as farmers and our aspirations for the industry, we all need to step up and commit to making industry one which demonstrates good stewardship of resources, acknowledges its duty of care to people and animals, and which sustains livelihood through the contributions of farms . To achieve these ambitions, dairy farmers and their organizations must work collaboratively together and with others.
Haashar Association has thus focused on poverty and hunger reduction through one of its concept “FLIP” (Farmers Livelihood Improvement Program) by spreading awareness among individuals about using their livestock at commercial level for their better livelihoods, improving dairy farm productivity and promoting better nutritional practices at all levels; and promoting programs that enhances direct and immediate access to better earning. Improvements in the productivity of milk and related sectors directly increase farm and rural incomes and household food security. At the same time, dairy farming growth focused on small farmers, promotes overall rural and non-farm employment and has a strong poverty-reducing effect. By facilitating better access to new skills, tools and services FLIP helps the individuals to make lasting improvements in their own livelihoods.
The concept of FLIP is to spread awareness, give trainings and workshops’ to an individual for their economic growth by using their buffaloes/cows commercially.
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Goal of the Project:
Poverty alleviation through economically viable livestock management and marketing techniques
In order to achieve the project goal and make this farm a model for farmers to develop a sense of scientific/modern dairy farming, following activities are performed: