WBS 100
WBS 200
WBS 300
WBS 400
Project and cross-cutting themes implemented and managed to achieve project outcomes
Enhanced and sustained livelihoods through community based natural resource management (CBNRM) with a focus on ultra poor and vulnerable groups
Enhanced and sustained livelihoods through community based natural resource management (CBNRM) with a focus on ultra poor and vulnerable groups
Community infrastructure in place to support sustainable and equitable economic development
Community infrastructure in place to support sustainable and equitable economic development
Enhanced community led disaster preparedness
WBS 110: Strategic planning, annual work plan and project implementation preparation
WBS 120: Oversight and mentoring of the SLA and cross cutting theme implementation
WBS 130: Manage project finances
WBS 140: Coordinate and communicate with project committees and stakeholders
WBS 150: Monitor and report on progress toward results
WBS 210: Strengthened agricultural skills and linkages (for men and women)
WBS 220: Increased horticulture and farm forest based production with a priority on addressing women?s access and control
WBS 230: Improved conditions for livestock management and fodder production with a priority on addressing women?s access and control
WBS 310: Reconstructed and/or new water and sanitation infrastructure, including health and hygiene promotion benefiting men, women and children, with increased capacity to sustain such infrastructure
WBS 320: Reconstructed and/or new small scale soil and water retaining structures, roads and corridors benefiting men, women and children with enhanced capacities in the operation and maintenance of such structures
WBS 410: Community-based disaster mitigation arrangement, awareness raising and capacity building for men, women and children
WBS 121: Deliver training workshops to build staff capacity in gender mainstreaming and community mobilization
WBS 211: Train beneficiaries in agriculture? provide seeds and related inputs
WBS 313: Repair or construct dug wells and hand pumps
WBS 123: Deliver training workshops to build staff capacity in environment and disaster management
WBS 221: Build beneficiaries’ capacity to manage fruit trees; distribute trees
WBS 313: Repair or construct dug wells and hand pumps
WBS 125: Support beneficiaries to enhance social mobility
WBS 224: Provide training to grow vegetables from improved seeds
WBS 315: Repair or construct gravity flow water schemes
WBS 141: Facilitate project committees
WBS 227: Build beneficiaries’ capacity to plant and manage trees
WBS 321: Repair access roads
WBS 143: Manage the communications strategy
WBS 231: Build beneficiaries’ capacity to manage, deworm and vaccinate livestock
WBS 151: Develop and manage the project GIS/MIS
WBS 233: Establish veterinary service points
WBS 235: Train beneficiaries to work with provided improved fodder seeds and planting material