Within the broad framework of community development through integrated natural resource management, livelihoods improvements and capacity building, Haashar follows’ following steps to implement its programs and projects;
Following factors are kept in mind while selecting an area for the implementation of a project Potential for community development is assessed. Socio-economic indicators of the area Community profile with respect to land tenure, ethnicity, gender sensitivity, resource base, resource degradation, and availability of resources, poverty, presence of social institution and community fabric, integrity and interest for development is observed. Working feasibility with respect to terrain and geographic is seen
Appraisal exercise including meetings with key informants, community leaders, groups and general meetings are held. Community is facilitated for the formation of suitable social organizations Linkages are developed and networks are created
Situation analysis is carried out and baseline survey is conducted to set bench mark for program development and resource mobilization. Important stake holders are identified
Community Development Plan is developed Terms of partnership and roles of partners are elaborated in the implementation of the plan Agreement is formulated for the implementation of the plan
Project committees are constituted to implement the project / scheme. Implementation according to plan and work programmes Monitoring and follow up of the activities conducted
Besides of internal evaluations mid-term and post project evaluations by independent external evaluators are conducted