• Phone: +92-992- 416046
  • info@haashar.org
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Our Vision

Our Vision:

A society which conserves and develops its resources sustainably and ensures a just, fair and equitable distribution of benefits.

Our Mission

Our Mission:

To catalyze and enable communities for inducing sustained socio-economic change and lasting improvements in their lives.

CEO’s Message:

Haashar Association shares the honor with our valued stakeholders for completing decade of success, service and sustainability. Our years of successful services, building collaborations, enhancing skills and substantially contributing to bringing change are something to celebrate. Haashar’s Website re-counts few glimpses of our activities and their impacts in the field. These interventions have had considerable socio-economic and political developments among the neglected and deprived communities.

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Anees Ahmad Khan CEO Haashar Association


Our Recent Projects

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