Project Title | Supporting Early Recovery Project |
Location | UC Jabber Devli of SiranValley In District Mansehra(NWFP) Pakistan |
Program Period | April 1st 2006 – November 31, 2006 |
Objective 1. Revival of agriculture, livestock, small businesses and employment;
Provision of inputs for Maize Crop
3,700 KGs of Maize seed have been distributed among 592 families in 9 villages. Alongside 37,500 KGs of UREA and 37,250 KGs of DAP fertilizers were distributed among 1500 farming families in 14 villages’ .In the result in this season community get good yield when they used the fertilizer.
Agriculture Field days/Awareness Campaigns
Two agricultural field days were held in target areas. Experts from local agriculture extension and research department facilitated the sessions on sowing of maize crop and vegetables and the use of different agricultural inputs like fertilizers, seed, and irrigation etc .total number of participants were 105 farmers from seven communities. The main topics in field days were use of fertilizers and to find out the low germination ratio of provided seeds and experts from line department suggest alternative crops. Thinning and weed control measures were practically demonstrated by the agriculture experts. Experts also explain the proper use of farm yard Manure.
Provision of tools for Farmers, Artisans and for Debris Clearance
Base line surveys and selection of beneficiaries has been completed through community organizations in 14 villages. 1700 debris tool kits, 1600 farmer tool kits and 107 Artisan tool kits distributed. The detail and specification of tool kits are under below.
Community used the debris kit for removal of debris in their houses and agri-land where the artisan make able to serve there respective communities efficiently. With the help of farming kit farmer able to cut their hay and maize crop timely .
Farming tool kit
1 | Pick Hoe(local) | Patta, 1 kg |
2 | Spade | No.5, Chadar 14 gauge, Carbon steel, D handle |
3 | Sickle (Daranti) | Medium size, Good quality |
4 | Saw | Germany, Length 16 inch, Chori wali |
5 | Axe | With handle, 1.7 Kg |
Tools for debris removal
S.No | Tool | Specifications |
1 | Pick Hoe(local) | With handle, Patta, 1 kg |
2 | Spade | No.5, Chadar 14 gauge, Carbon steel, D handle |
3 | Gainty/gaintry | 3 star, With handle, made in Gojar Garhi, |
4 | Hammer | 10 pound weight, with handle |
5 | Iron bar | Weight 5.5 kg, length 5 ft, Iron Axle, guaranteed not to bend |
6 | Taghari | Jasti chadar, 15 inch dia |
7 | Hammer small | Weight 900 g, made in Sialkot, china type |
8 | Saw | Germany, Length 16 inch, Chori wali |
9 | Axe | With handle, 1.7 kg |
Tools for Artisans
S.No | Tool | Specifications |
1 | Taisha | With handle, Weight 1 kg, Sialkoti, Chori wala |
2 | Plainer | Plain, No. 5, Complete set |
3 | Axe | With handle, 1.7 kg |
4 | Chisle | 1 inch, ¾ inch, ½ inch, Complete set |
5 | Driller | Sialkot, 1 inch, ¾ inch, ½ inch, Complete set |
6 | Hammer | Sialkoti, 1 pound, China type |
Provision of Inputs for Kitchen Gardens
Kitchen gardening inputs have been provided to 2300 women beneficiaries in fourteen villages. These inputs include seeds of various vegetables like Okra, eggplant, turnip, pumpkin, spinach, chilly etc., and toolkit including water pipe (40ft) Khurpa and Hand Hoe . Field days were held in 14 communities where 700 women benefited. In each field day following topics were delivered
The area of each plot varies from House hold to House Hold according to the availability of land and the minimum size of one plot was half Marla and maximum is three Marla. The seeds were collected and purchase from certified agencies and verified by experts. The resource persons hired from local line departments.
The kitchen gardening intervention play signifent role during monsoon when road was blocked and vegetable were only source for effectives communities especially for poor people
Reconstruction support for animal shelters
Base line surveys and selection of beneficiaries has been completed through community organizations. Procurement of ridges and accessories has also been made. Procurement of GI sheets has also been made. 760 animal shelters have been distributed among the beneficiaries.
Field days for animal vaccination/de-worming
Linkages have been established with district livestock department and vaccine and vaccinators have been arranged. Two field days were conducted in which livestock from all the 14 villages was vaccinated/de-wormed. Total 615 animals (Buffalo, cow, oxe) were vaccinated/dewormed.
Provision of Goats/sheep
Assessment for need identification has been completed in 14 villages for provision of Goats /sheep. 1114 families were identified and each family was provided with one goat. 165 goats were distributed to widows. The quality assurance and verification were carried out by Veterinary Doctor, deworming of each goat also done. Every 20th goat was weighted and checked for quality assurance.
Cash-for-work for revival of rural businesses and small enterprises
Assessment for need identification has been completed in 14 villages with reference to Cash-for- work for revival of rural businesses and small enterprises. 94 small businesses have been identified communities and supported through cash grants. Type and no of small businesses revived are as follow.
S# | Type of Business | No of Business |
1 | Water Mill | 08 |
2 | Women Tailoring centre | 01 |
3 | Men Tailoring centre | 02 |
4 | Barber Shop | 01 |
5 | Medical store | 01 |
6 | Bakery | 01 |
7 | Carpenter | 01 |
8 | Poultry shops | 06 |
9 | PCO | 02 |
10 | Vegetable shop | 05 |
11 | Pakora, samosa shop | 02 |
12 | General Karyana store | 64 |
Total |
94 | |
Objective 2. Repair and reconstruction of essential rural infrastructure;
Repair of feeder roads/trails (including clearing, widening, cutting etc.);
Technical surveys of three roads have been completed. ToPs signed with community organizations. All the three roads have been completed.
S# | Type & Name of scheme | Total Length (Km) | Cash for work Paid(Rs) | Beneficiaries |
1 | Feeder Road Katha Bala |
2.5 |
410000 |
898 HH |
2 | Feeder Road Panjool |
1.5 |
355000 |
203 HH |
3 | Feeder road Devli Chinar Kot |
1 |
184000 |
548 HH |
4 | Trail/bridle path Jabber Gali to Dood Patti |
4 |
172000 |
1138HH |
5 | Trail/bridle Path Mori to Paja |
1.25 |
98000 |
160 HH |
Training/backup support for operation and maintenance of infrastructure:
The training for three committees has been completed. Training imparted to three Road maintence committee in which 15 members were trained.
Objective 3. Repair and reconstruction of Water and Sanitation facilities:
Rehabilitation of water supply schemes:
Technical surveys of 5 water supply schemes have been completed out of the target of four and Terms of Partnership signed with community organisations. All the water supply schemes have been completed.
S# | Type & Name of scheme | Total Length | Total estimate(Rs) | Benfiaciries |
1 | DWSS Upper & Lower Niral Ban | 6500( rft) | 596035 | 260 HH |
2 | DWSS Jabber Nallah | 6830 (rft) | 524336 | 185 HH |
3 | DWSS Meel But | 9600 (rft) | 944052 | 360 HH |
4 | DWSS Kund Kalsi | 11140 (rft) | 274608 | 165 HH |
Provision of material for reconstruction of pour flush latrines:
Beneficiaries have been identified through base line surveys according to the criteria and with the participation of community organizations. Material for construction of 2650 latrines has been distributed.
Training/backup support for operation and maintenance of water supply schemes:
The training for maintenance of Water supply schemes has been imparted to four operation and maintence committees in which 20 members were trained.
Objective 4. Community Mobilization and Disaster Preparedness:
Contact and program orientation meetings with community in the target villages
Twenty eight initial contact and programme orientation meetings were held with communities and twenty eight VDCs have been formed. The groups were monitored and verified through monthly meetings and their resolution and office record.
Management Skills Trainings for Community Groups
All the 28 community groups were given basic management skill training including Record keeping, accounts management, holding of meetings etc. the total men VDC Rep were 60 who got training on record keeping, book keeping, resolution writing and management of meeting. 182 women VDC Rep got training on group formation, conducting meetings and record keeping.
Community Trainings on Disaster Preparedness
DRR training has been conducted by Concern for about 18 partner staff members. 28 male and female groups(105 men & 155 women) were trained in disaster management. 2 days training sessions were held for each group. The main topics which were covered are as follow
Provision of plants for land protection and conservation
Sowing and plantation of various forest and fodder plants has been completed on 280 acres of available communal land in the target area. These plants will provide community with fuel wood timber and livestock fodder. Total 130 kg seeds procured for sowing and 35000 plants were planted in 280 acres of land
Species were Deodar, Kail, Rubinia, Ailanthus, and Ipple Ipple
Changes in the situation (Impact)
Impact of the Project
Jabber Devli is for flung Union council of Siren valley. Before earth quack there was no NGO which were working in the UC. After earthquake suddenly many NGO approached to the communities for relief activities. In the result people demanding behaviour encouraged and promotes the individualism. After emergency and relief activity when Haashar started the early recovery programme with the support of Concern WW the one objective was to organize the community. Through this project now there are 14 male &14 female organized in the target area where not community start to set together and discussed/ shared their problem/issues on organized way. Male folk allowed their female folk to set together and discussed there issues and problem.
Due to free distribution of goods area people used to gathered around the NGO vehicles and asking for goods /commodities and not ready to go for cash for work. Through this project communities involved in cash for work intervention in the result the earned the money , confidence and ownership in infrastructure scheme .
During earthquake the 100% shops were collapsed and communities used to get free food or from the town market .Under this project involvement of shopkeeper in voucher scheme and through revival of businesses programme now local markets again on full swing and communities are happy when they buy the food and stuffs from there own local markets.