In 2004 Haashar partnered with EcoHimal, an Austrian based NGO through the financial support of Austrian Development Agency (ADA) to implement the Upper Siran Human and Natural Resource Development Project”(HNRDP). This project was concluded in June 2007. While implementation of HNRDP project was in progress a devastating earthquake measuring 7.6 at the Richter scale played havoc on October 8th 2005 with the lives and property of the people residing in the project area. HAASHAR, being the only functional local NGO in Siran Valley, immediately started coordination of national and international NGO,s from across the world to secure immediate rescue operations, emergency relief and rehabilitation progammes.
During early relief and rehabilitation activities a mission was fielded by Eco-Himal of Austria in November 2005 to assess and plan support for rehabilitation activities. Subsequently Austrian Development Agency (ADA) committed to provide 250,000.00 Euro for rehabilitation operations in the earthquake area of the Upper Siran Valley. This support was provided under a separate project titled “Upper Siran Earthquake Recovery Project – Pakistan”, under contract number 2393-00/2006. Thereafter joint planning sessions were held with Eco Himal through Dr. Gerhard Payr in March/April 2006 to refine details of the rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the project area. Due to the complementary support of MISEREOR Germany and other agencies operating in Siran, Austrian financed activities had to be harmonized in order to secure synergies and to avoid duplications and undue overlapping. Furthermore HAASHAR had to observe limited funds at hand and rigid, at times complicated and bureaucratic orders and prescriptions of ERRA (Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation Agency of Pakistan Government). The ADA financed “REHAB” project was originally to be concluded by the end of March 2008, but was extended up to the end of May 2008 on request ofHaashar.
The “Overall Goal” of the Upper Siran Earthquake Recovery Project (REHAB) was “to contribute to the recovery, rehabilitation and improvement of natural, material and human resources in the project area as existing before the earthquake”. The following matrix explains the achievements of the project against the set objectives and activities.
Results Planned and Results Achieved
Overall Goal Planned | Achieved |
Contribute towards restoring and improving the natural, material and social resources existing in the project region before the earthquake | Rehab project has been a major contributor towards the achievement of the overall goal. The earthquake affected communities realize this impact when comparing with adjacent areas where no such work has been done. However according to log frame logics a goal can usually only be achieved over time by the complementary impact of various projects. |
Project Purpose Planned: | Achievement of Project Purpose |
Population of mountainous villages in the project area is supported in rehabilitating infrastructure and livestock so as to secure continuation of rural development activities. | Project Purpose has fully been achieved indicated by reconstruction of houses, cattle houses, physical infrastructure and restocking of livestock population. This achievement was made by concerted efforts of various donors, thus securing numerous synergy effects.Project achievement is indicated by the fact that the majority of people(some 90 to 95%) did not leave the villages because the foundation for sustained life in the mountain areas has been laid. |
Planned Result 1: | Achievement of Result 1: |
Reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure are secured by providing advice and complementing technical improvements with special attention towards enhanced earthquake safety and environmental compatibility | Purpose achieved according to plan. Introduction of design based earthquake resistant cattle house structures has altered the local building traditions of the area. The people now avoid heavy roof structures, thus saving a lot of valuable and scarce timber. There is also increasing mass awareness regarding environmental hazards and disaster management due to the advisory work of Haashar through JFMC committees. Pressure on forests may be reduced, provided illegal cutting of timber, poverty and population increase can also be sustainably lowered in future. |
Planned Result 2: | Achievement of Result 2: |
Through the replacement of lost livestock population and the recovery of damaged terraces and rangelands preconditions for sustained productivity and use of farming- and livestock systems are secured. | Purpose achieved according to plan. Due to the priorities of the local people and the limitation of funding, the project purpose had to be reduced towards the replenishment of buffaloes being the backbone of household economy in the project area. However under Misereor rehab project, various land development interventions are under way. |
ACTIVITIES1. Support at the reconstruction of infrastructure.Planned:rehabilitation of village roads, paths, electricity, water-piped schemes, village centers, etc. for 598 households:
2. Replenishment of livestock, rehabilitation of terraces and erosion control of rangelands Planned: Due to the clear priorities of the people, labour shortage and lack of funds only the replenishments of livestock has been pursued by REHAB. A comprehensive participatory survey in Methal, Bandhodar and Nikki Mohri revealed a total of 230 buffalo beneficiaries in the project area. Later on inclusion of village Dagra (Initially left out because World Vision was working there) increased this figure up to 255. Replenishment of up to 100 buffa¬loes was decided by REHAB/Ecohimal actual figure depending on prices fluctuating widely. Rests of the buffaloes financed by Misereor are also to be procured by HAASHAR.
3. Support at the identification of earthquake resistant, women friendly and ecological models for housing and cattle stables based on the maximum use of available timber and other local materials. Planned: Due to the directives of ERRA (Earthquake relief and rehabilitation authority) Haashar/REHAB Project – like other donors – was not allowed to actively participate in the design and reconstruction of improved housing models.
4. Promotion of latrines, sewage systems, fuel saving stoves, solar water heating etc. Planned: Technical equipment needed for 598 households comprising above equipment had been identified together with the people of the project area in the aftermath of the earthquake.
5. Taking over additional costs required for old and new project staff so as to ensure the implementation of the REHAB Project and the continuation of the HNRDP.
Planned: 96 person-months for qualified new staff, 140 consultancy days and adequate support staff have been planned to be posted for the implementation of the REHAB project. |
Achievements:Requirements of 598 households comprising rehabilitation of village roads, electricity piped water schemes, water schemes, etc. were originally identified. Most of the activities named were accomplished by Haashar through the financial and technical aid of ADA/Ecohimal HNRDP and other agencies such as Misereor, Concern, etc. A multipurpose Community Centre at Nikki Mohri (Hafizabad) has been constructed with financial support of Govt. of Carinthia.Achieved:
A lengthy process of participatory assessment of needs and justification through village committees was undertaken for the buffaloes to be financed by ADA. Tendering, purchase and distribution of 136 buffaloes out of ADA funds and 119 buffaloes out of Misereor funding has been completed within the same budgetary provision.
Achieved: Consequently Haashar/Ecohimal ventured to design and reconstruct 140 earthquake-safe cattle houses out of up to 100 financed by ADA. Due to lower cost of construction than budgeted and more demand from adjoining villages, the targeted number exceeded than the budgeted one. Besides Haashar managed to construct 588 cattle houses financed by Misereor.
Achieved: Since stoves were provided to almost every household under HNRDP/Ecohimal/ADA and through other donors, due to labour shortage and other priorities of villagers prevailing, other activities named here were not pursued by the REHAB project. However demonstration of 10 Solar Geysers in different public places has contributed towards achievement of this activity.
Achieved: Rehab Project was staffed according to plan during the project period. |