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  • info@haashar.org

Child Protection and Empowerment of Adolescents






Project Title:                          Child Protection and Empowerment of Adolescents in Mansehra District

Duration of Project:              2 Years (January 2007 to Dec 2008)

Funded By:                             UNICEF


Executive Summary

The Child Protection Project (CPP) was started in the wake of the biggest national catastrophe, the Earthquake 2005. The project was designed to protect children affected due to earthquake.  Due to earthquake, hundreds of children were separated from their families and many sustained serious injuries with long-term consequences. The particular attention of child protection project were vulnerable groups of separated and/or unaccompanied children, orphaned children, children with disabilities, particularly girls – from (sexual) abuse, exploitation, trafficking and separation from families. While thousands of children died, many more had to move to unfamiliar locations for emergency shelter and food. Life in IDP camps was a new and uncomfortable experience for these children.

UNICEF started its operation just hours after the catastrophe. Haashar Association joined UNICEF in establishing very first child protection centers at various locations.  Although 26th of October 2005 was first formal day of partnership between Haashar and UNICEF, interaction between two organizations started during early days of earthquake response.

Child Protection Centers were established at Kashtra, Bissian and Hassa tent villages during early months. Later on it was extended toMundehar, Attershisha and Jabba. After the closure of camps Haashar started its activities in Hilkot Union Council.

Main activities performed in the camps included restoration of normalcy through reinstating daily routine of children, psychosocial support, life skill education and learning environments.This helped the children to recover from emotional stress they were facing as an aftermath of the Earthquake. Children Friendly Spaces also helped to increase capacity of young boys and girls to play a positive role in helping themselves and others during such catastrophes.

Project Achievements

Objective 1:

Vulnerable children’s rights to psycho-social support, non-discriminatory and inclusive main-stream and recreational services are fulfilled


  • Establishment of five Child Friendly Spaces (CFS’s), three in most affected villages of U/C Hillkot villages like Syedabad, Kandla (Molkra) and Gul dehri and two in Jabba residual camp. The CFS’s established in U/C Hillkot catered six more villages gradually as the project unfolded.Each of the CFS is generally an open wide space enclosed with Tarpaulin sheets and has an entrance. The pitching of CFS was carried out with the consultation of camp management and resident community of tent village as well as of permanent village. The CFS provided the mechanisms for bringing the children and young people back to normal routines. Psychosocial support, child protection center, life skill education, vocational skill development and recreational activities were prominent features of all Child Friendly spaces.
  • Data collection of children through Child Registration rapid form through technical facilitation of UNICEF was conducted. Orientation session was arranged prior to conduction of survey. During the orientation session objectives of the activity,definition of affected children, rapid registration form, administrative setup of camps and its management process were explained.
  • Psychosocial support and trauma counseling were focused during early days of project. Gradual involvement of camps management, parents, adolescence boys and girls in Child Protection Center activities created positive impact of the project in IDPs especially among young girls and mothers at tent villages and villages.  Psycho-social support and trauma counseling were provided in the child friendly spaces through recreational activities, community counseling and interactive children activities. The field teams mobilize women, adolescents and young people through community-based approaches to participating in the rehabilitation activities in camps and settlements.
  • The environment and activities at CFS molded the behavior and attitude of children positively who came out of trauma and began to live normal life. Initially parents were not willing to send their children to center. In big tent villages like Jabba parents were skeptical about distance of Child Friendly Spaces. They thought that their children might be lost. On the other hand when children started to come to the center, they were in trauma and wept all the time. Children were consoled and satisfied as well as their parent also. Gradually parents started to send their children to CFS’s. Children could not do drawing, color, painting, and pasting and some of them were reluctant to play with toys and other items provided by the UNICEF as they were almost new to them. Toys and other recreational items familiar to children were bought from the local market. Gradually new toys and recreational items were introduced to children including drawing copies, colors, pencils and toys (balloons).
  • Vocational trainings were arranged for elder girls who learnt Basic sewing, knitting and embroidery skills. Some of the girls took very keen interest in the activity and they have prepared some excellent & high quality vocational work.


Objective 2:

Community (parents and caregivers/families), staff of implementing partner, government and elected representatives are empowered with knowledge and skills enabling them to protect children against any form of violence, abuse and exploitation.



  • Capacity Building of staff on following topics
    • Social Mobilization
    • Extremely Vulnerable (Orphan, Physical & Mentally Disabled, Separated and Unaccompanied.
    • Convention on Child Right’s
    • Gender and Non-Discrimination
    • Violence against Children
    • Record keeping
    • Birth registration


  • Capacity Building of Parents and Caregivers
    • One Orientation of Parents on Convention on Child Rights and violence against children
  • Formation of Child Protection Network
    • Male Group
    • Female Group
    • Child Forum (Adolescent) Group

Objective 3:

The situation of vulnerable children is monitored and followed up at community level and referred to specialized services if required.


  • Identification and registration of vulnerable children was done in Union Council Hilkot and Jabba Residual Camp. 139 Orphans and 37 Disabled from extremely vulnerable families were identified. There data was referred to the concerned organizations and institutions.

Celebrations at the CFSs

  • Celebration of International Day of Children in Hillkot
  • Competitions
    • Musical Chair Game
    • Sac race Competition
    • Tug of war competition
    • Balloon busting competition
    • Local songs
  • Distribution of refreshments etc.

Different food items were distributed among kids. There were cuties, Hina, balloons and socks.  Sweet and toffees were distributed. Sweet was also distributed among the rest of children who did not come due to some engagement. All these distributions made children happier.

  • Celebration of  Eid-ul-fitr Festival
  • Celebration of EidUlAzha
  • Quaid Day Celebration